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Chamomile Tisane

A relaxing tasty evening drink, Chamomile Tisane gently soothes irritated nerve endings and eases away the day's tension.

4 parts chamomile blossoms

3 parts rose hips

2 parts lemon balm

1 part borage flowers and leaves

1 part = 1 ounce

Boil 1 quart of water per ounce of herbs. Pour boiled water over herbs and let steep for 30 to 60 minutes. Strain and drink. Throw out after 3 days.



​Herbalism ("herbology " or "herbal medicine") is use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such use. Plants have been the basis for medical treatments through much of human history and  is still widely practiced toda​y. From the beginning of man's existence, herbs have been prized for their pain relieving and healing abilities. Societies around the world have developed their own traditons to make sense of medicinal plants and their uses, this may seem strange, but all of them are attempts to overcome illness and suffering and to enhance the quality of life.

 Herbs are capable of bringing health, energy and vitality into our lives. Modern medicine recognizes herbalism as a form of alternative medicine, as the practice of herbalism is not strictly based on evidence gathered using the  scientific method. Modern medicine , does , however, make use of many plant-derived compounds as the basis for evidence-tested pharmaceutical drugs, and phytotheraphy works to apply modern standards of effectiveness testing to herbs and medicines that are derived from natural sources.

Herbs are a wonderful system of medicine. Plants and herbs have for eons, have provided us with food, clothing and medicines. Everyday health, in mind, body and spirit is a function or ritual in self care and herbs and plants can assist with this self care. Don't wait to become sick to use herbs. There are wonderful  varieties of herbs that can provides longevity, nutritive, and tonic herbs that can be used daily to enhance a person's wellness and life.

Some examples are :

​Elderberry is used for suppressing a cough.

​Garlic is used to help resist lung infections.

Horsetail is used to help disinfect urinary infections.

​Ginger is used to help soothe an upset stomach.

​Comfrey is used to help heal cuts, wounds, and abrasions.

​Herbs have many, many uses. Please enjoy the tea recipe below:
